March 2020 Project News

So Spring is nearly here - buds are opening - birds are singing [and a lot else] and Covid restrictions are hopefully history.

Whilst a lot is happening in the world - here we concentrate on matters 2LO.

February has been an active month keeping busy with the passing of the anniversary of the Radio station 2LO one hundred years ago and leading to the formation of the BBC. It's been a month of plowing through archive media of all kinds - and working on old radio sets. 

As we move however to spring I look more towards the communication and drama plans within the project.

For the first time in 2 years, I begin to plan new drama work and filming with Dramania and Act4ward without restrictions, and with a new cast.

March 21st 2022:-


Honesty I believe is always a good policy - and I try to follow this intent throughout my work.

So being honest very little has advanced within Dramania or Act4ward whilst I remain busy with the 2LO stuff [broadcasting history and communicatiuons]

I have had very little time to get online to work on the website content - so updates are rare.

However - this does not mean that progress is not being made - just sometimes not in the areas expected.

With April nearly here and some great Spring weather I hope to report more details of progress shortly.

In the meantime get out there and enjoy The Spring.